The MFA Motto

Push boundaries, expand horizons, and develop confidence, resilience and caring with the power of nature, the outdoors, discovery, family fun and adventure!

“MFA is not just an idea or an organisation, it is a lifestyle and a philosophy to live life, not merely exist.”

— Faisal, Founder of MFA

The seed for the MFA was planted in the summer 2012, when I embarked on a wild-camping and mountain-climbing expedition in Snowdonia with a group of friends at the University of Cambridge. Inspired by the experience, I started taking my young home-educating family on camping trips (staying at campsites, not wild-camping!) to various National Parks in the UK. This was a phenomenal experience for the whole family to spend time in the outdoors and nature, and to explore new possibilities. However, we were alone and missing good company to socialise and have fun together.

Our camping trips soon attracted the attention of like-minded Muslim families in and around Cambridge, which led to the formation of a group called the Cambridge Family Outings. Now, instead of just our family, we would gather as a group of 5, 10 or 20 families at a designated location in one of the National Parks and explore the area. Research carried out to find places of interest and the discovery of hidden gems at various locations served as a good basis for future trips.

The word spread far and wide, and families started joining from all over the UK. It was no longer a Cambridge phenomena but a National phenomena. The group was renamed to Muslim Family Outings. Up until this point, the activities mostly included socialisation, hikes, sightseeing and seaside play - good but not quite adventurous! Our real experience of outdoor adventures started when we tried coasteering (a relatively new sport) in Pembrokeshire. It was a mind blowing experience as it forced us to come out of our comfort zones and start exploring nature as it should be. This was the beginning of Muslim Family Adventures!

We soon realised that camping in tents was not for everyone. So we opted for hostel based indoor accommodation to cater for a wider range of Muslim families.

Officially launched in the summer of 2021, MFA has so far organised 13 adventure trips covering Yorkshire Dales, Lake District, Peak District, Dartmoor, Snowdonia, Pembrokeshire and Cairngorms National Parks, taking a total of over 1200 people. Our motto is: Push boundaries, expand horizons, develop confidence, resilience and caring with the power of nature, outdoors, discovery, family fun and adventure! We learn, develop, push ourselves and have so much fun in our adventures, together as a team and one big family.

Why Muslim Family Adventures

  • Explore Personal Potential

  • Inspire Bold Futures

  • Develop Confidence

  • Build Resilience

  • Push Boundaries

  • Become Caring

  • Discover Purpose

  • Make Lifelong Friends

  • Think Deeply

  • Expand Horizons

  • Grow Courage

  • Gain Life Skills